Monday, April 4, 2011



‘QWERTYUIOP’ by Vivien Alcock is about a young graduate named Lucy Beck who has just finished her ‘O’ levels at Belmont Secretarial College. Being a slow learner herself, she has no confidence that she will find a job. Fortunately, she is offered a job by Mr. Ross, the Manager of Ross and Bannister’s. During her first day, she encounters many peculiar incidents. Later, she finds out that there is a spirit lingering around the office who is adamant in holding on to her position as the company’s secretary. Towards the end of the story, Lucy tries to get rid of the spirit that has been haunting that place for many years by putting the spirit at peace.


•The will to succeed is the road to success
•Letting go
•Opportunity knocks but once


•If we want to be successful, we must work towards it.
•We must make good use of opportunities that come our way.
•We must know our limits and let go when the time is right.


•Main character : Lucy Beck
•Minor characters :

1.Harry Darke
2.Miss Broome
3.Lucy’s mother and uncle
4.Miss Price and Mr Ross


•EXPOSITION – Lucy starts working in Ross and Bannister’s. Harry Darke gives her hints of the haunting of the typewriter by Miss Broome.
•CONFLICT – Lucy types her letter but she is bewildered that her letter has extraordinary words that are not typed by her.
•CLIMAX – Lucy retypes her letter but is challenged by Miss Broome who asks her to leave and even threatens her. Lucy battles woth it by using correcting liquid to clean off words typed by Miss Broome.
•FALLING ACTION – Lucy learns about Miss Broome and her haunting of the typewriter.
•RESOLUTION – Lucy types and talks to Miss Broome and convinces her to leave this world peacefully and go to other world. Lucy keeps her job in Ross and Bannister’s.


•Main characters
1.Anna, the narrator
2.David Amos, owner of Amos Cosmetics
•Minor characters
1.Narrator’s mother
2.Narrator’s Aunt Mimi
3.Waiter at restaurant
4.Sabina, David Amos’ girlfriend
5.Armstrong, the pizza delivery man


•First person point of view


•Light-hearted and humorous
•Comedic and entertaining


•Simple and easy to understand the language

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